Sunday, 21 February 2016

My chingay reflection

    I think the purpose of chingay is to have an event where people from all walks of life can perform together,regardless or their race,which country they're from,or what they do.This is also a great way to showcase Singapore's multicultural society.As useful it is as a viewer of chingay,the same could be said for performers of chingay.Regardless of who you are,you are able to take part in chingay.People with different set of skills may take part,whether it's performing wushu,being one of the dancers,being on one of the floats,etc.This allows everyone to step out of their comfort zone and help contribute to society.
    Chingay was first set-up in 1973.It was originally set-up to compensate for the ban of firecracker,as many had complained that the absence of it had brought a quiet and much more dampened mood,to what was once a loud and festive season.The event of chingay proved to be a success,with a festive and celebratory mood,accompanied with the loud noises associated with the firecrackers.The event had given the spark Singaporeans had needed for Chinese New Year,and since then,became a yearly event.It has since evolved from just a compensation for firecrackers,into a celebration for all races and culture.Races such as Malay and Indian has been implemented into chingay since 1973,and is now an event every Singaporean can enjoy and celebrate together.The purpose of chingay now,since evolving from a substitute for the ban of firecrackers,is to allow every Singaporean to not only know about the different races,but to celebrate them together,all in a festive mood.
    I think the organizers of chingay have successfully fulfilled the purpose of chingay.Unlike most of the students in my year who went to watch the chingay live,I watched it through the television screen as I was busy on the day my friends went.However,just from watching it through the television alone,I could feel the energy from the event as a whole.The atmosphere was that extravagant.I also have had friends who performed wushu at this year's chingay,and they have shared with me everything they have learnt from it.Other than the joy of performing they received,they have also seen other performers of different race showcase their culture.I believe that is the purpose of chingay,It is to showcase the races and cultures,truly letting the viewers see the core values of Singapore.At the same time,they gave Singaporeans a good mood,as we all celebrated Chinese New Year together.Through this,I believe that the organizers have done a good job in successfully fulfilling the purpose of chingay.

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