Monday, 11 January 2016

2A CID Group 1: Reflection on Kevin Carter's picture

  In the picture,it can be clearly seen that the girl crouching on the floor is only skin and bone. Just behind the little girl,there’s a vulture which looks like it is waiting for the right time to prey on the vulnerable girl. We feel that this picture is a cry for help to the government/neighbouring nations to raise awareness of poverty and world hunger. Like what people say, “pictures speak a thousand words”,and we can see that the little girl looks as if she is someone who is less fortunate than us as it can be seen that daily necessities such as clothing, food are scarce in that area where she lives.

 When we first saw this picture, we felt very shocked but while we found  the hidden meaning behind this photo, we felt disheartened but yet very blessed at the same time. It really served as an eye opener to us because it made us realise how fortunate we were to have whatever we needed and wanted, when other people in the other parts of the world may be suffering and on the verge of death now. We have to realise that other people may not be as fortunate as us thus we have to learn not to take things for granted.

After doing research on this particular picture, we came across the information about Kevin Carter’s suicide. At first, we felt the need to reach out to this little girl and a tinge of anger at him for not helping her( like providing her with water and food, or to chase the vulture away) but after reflecting and knowing more about his job as a photojournalist,(  we came to the conclusion that blaming him isn’t the solution as he had his own restrictions. We do feel very sorry for him as in the end, he unfortunately succumbed to the hate comments and criticism of the majority and committed suicide. 

If we were present there and then, we too would have felt helpless,seeing such a heart wrenching scene in front of our own eyes.However, we felt that we would have chased the vulture away. Furthermore, we would have tried everything in our power to help her, and given her food,water or anything else she (and her parents) needed.

We felt that this image has raised awareness of world hunger and poverty faced by kids and adults (mainly in Africa).This would possibly get other people like us to reach out to the poor, and also the less unfortunate. We hope that more people will be willing to open up their hearts and reach out to these people. All this sufferings could possibly end, or decrease (slightly, or if better, by a lot) ,if only everyone would be willing to help out and play their part to stop this. All of us could donate anything we don't need,or personally head down to these poverty-stricken countries, and help them out by taking care of them,giving them personal or medical attention. We,as students,could also help out by raising awareness of this issue in school.
Kevin Carter
Vulture stalking a Sudanese Child; Kevin Carter won a Pulitzer Prize for this picture

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